Q: Why is it important for this story to be told today?
A: “Cancer in one way or another affects everyone at some point. Sadly this story is not “timely” but timeless.”
Q: How does your character fit into the end of Vivian's life journey?
A: “I play the Head of Medical Oncology and Vivian’s Doctor and Cancer researcher. I oversee her treatment all while researching a series of newly developed Chemotherapy drugs. A delicate balance.”
Q: What is the overall heart of this story?
A: “It sounds strange but for me the heart of this story is Vivian’s mind. Her personal thoughts as told to the audience as she faces life and death.”
Q: What do you hope the audience takes away from this experience?
A: “For those that haven’t dealt with Cancer on a personal level, it will be quite in your face about how horrible it is, but also the medical treatment of it. You will also see there is more to Vivian’s back story and the medical team assigned to care for her. Each character will strike a chord. It’s real and raw. So much to say...such a powerful piece.”